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[00:00:00] I know what you’re asking yourself, and the answer is yes. I have a nickname for my penis. It’s called the Octagon, but I also nickname my testes. My left one is James Westfall, and my right one is Dr. Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right, you just might get to meet the whole gang.
[00:00:17] You’re listening to the Dead Chasers Society Podcast on the Chaser Chat Network.
[00:00:32] Shane: Welcome boys and girls to the Dead Chasers Society Podcast. I am your host, Shane Adams, or as you can now call me, Uncle Shane. Uh There are changes that have happened in my world, uh, regarding chasing. I have decided to just no longer pursue storms and the reasons, the list of reasons is long and distinguished, but we’ll get into that eventually. But I’d like to at first just gripe about the lack of weather, speaking of, uh, where I live, which is North Texas. Uh, I like to call it the anti weather dome where it’s basically sunny and fucky every fucking day. All day, day after day, I literally, not even trying to be funny or dramatic for a podcast, I don’t remember the last time it rained. I think it was in September, and this is October 27th or 8th, I don’t even know, it doesn’t really matter. Um, but, I just get so sick of fucking sun. I mean, everywhere I go for anything is always east of where I live, so I’m always in the sun in the morning and coming back home in the sun at night, westbound, so, it’s just one a it’s just it’s just day you don’t know what day it is, you I think it’s a lot like if you were like in prison, or like trapped underground with no light or, you know, source of time.
[00:01:50] It’s just like, you don’t know if it’s day or night. It’s, you know, it’s day, you don’t know what day it is, day of the week. Month, whatever. It’s all the same. And, I know they have that seasonal, uh, depression thing based on weather that most people that like live in the northwest get because they don’t like rain and clouds and dreariness. I love rain and clouds and dreariness and me and other people that I’ve talked to, we have the seasonal depression shit, except we get it from Happy, Chamber of Commerce, sunshine weather. Weather that’s tailor made for the wealthy and children and nobody else, because it’s fucking boring.
[00:02:26] Soundbite: It ain’t all just burritos and strippers, my friend.
[00:02:29] Shane: It’s like, cool. All I wanna do is Is it too much to ask for rain like once every couple weeks? On the average. I mean, more than that would be great. But I mean, it’s just day after- And there’s weather happening everywhere. There’s hurricanes destroying out east. There’s wildfires burning everything to the ground out west. And up north, there’s all kinds of cool shit. There’s just nothing happening here. It’s like the weather looks down at this shitty part of the country and goes, You know what? Fuck you.
[00:02:56] Soundbite: Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell.
[00:03:00] Shane: And just keeps going. I mean, it’s getting so bad that I almost, almost, I almost get excited when it’s windy, and I fucking hate wind. Because wind is, wind, it blows shit in your eyes, it fucks up your hair, and it just, it’s just basically a nuisance. But, Um, yeah, it’s just day after day. I mean, it’s just, you know, talking about the chasing thing, it’s like, I’m just so fucking sick of weather, because weather, largely, for the majority of my life, it’s just been nothing but an inconvenience, a nuisance, and a disappointment. Um, we’ll go ahead and roll into the Chase thing, and we’ll talk about that I’m not doing it anymore, and then we’ll go into why. God, that’s a, that’s a lot of stuff. But anyway, I uh, I decided about a month ago or so that I didn’t, it wasn’t even a conscious decision. You know how it is, people always say when you’re in something and people like saying, Oh, you might change your mind someday. You might change your interest. You’re like, no, no, never. I’m going to chase forever. I’m doing this forever. I get it now, because up until about six months ago, if you told me there would become a time in my life when I would still be like alive and like able bodied that I would decide not to chase I would have told you you’re crazy. But then as people always say you just wake up one day and you know, and I did. I was like This isn’t some dramatic life altering moment in my history.
[00:04:24] It’s just another day and another decision and that decision is, you know I just I don’t think I want to go after storms anymore because I just don’t get any enjoyment out of it. I uh… my 2024 season, which was one of the worst I’ve ever had it’s kind of a appropriate ending to cap off the last decade of just fucking garbage that has been my chase career, It was just I had everything I’ve ever wanted finally come together. In 2024 I was able to chase by myself. I didn’t have to worry about another person keeping them safe, you know, cause, you know, when I chased with Bridget all those years, I always, in the back of my mind, thought, she’s got kids, she’s a mom, I have to keep her safe. Uh, being single now, I didn’t have that responsibility, so I had only myself to think about. I had a very cool, comfortable, cool, reliable car, great on gas, everything I ever wanted in a chase vehicle. I had that. I had good money coming in so I could afford to go wherever I wanted. I could afford to stay out, which I did, in hotels, again, for the first time in like a decade. And I had pretty much free reign, schedule wise, as long as I gave enough notice.
[00:05:30] Shane: And I had all those things working for me, and still managed to fail every time. And when I say fail, I mean, I did not observe a tornado from a position of satisfaction where I could get solid video. Didn’t happen. I got glimpses through trees. I got glimpses behind walls of rain, just garbage. But as the season ended and it’s summer, you know, the doldrums of summer, and I’m just going through the motions, going to work, trying not to die. I started thinking, you know, anytime I think back to 2024, I just get a feeling that it’s not anger or disappointment. It’s just, it’s uneasiness. And I kind of tried to analyze that because like like for example, I’ve got two pairs of shoes right now I don’t I don’t keep closets full of shoes I I wear shoes till they wear out and then I throw them away and I replace them But I have two pairs of current shoes. One is my going out regular shoes that are nice and light and the other ones are my dirtied up shitty fucking work shoes. Well, the dirtied up shitty work shoes were brand new back in April because I bought them the night before I went on a three day chase. And until about a month ago every time I would look down at those shoes, I would remember going on that weekend chase where I stayed out three days failing and I’m, like these shoes have been in Nebraska. These shoes have touched the ground have touched the earth in Nebraska. They’ve touched the earth in Kansas. They’ve been all over the place It’s so cool. But then as I would look at them over the you know, the end of the summer into the beginning of what they call fall- we don’t fucking have fall in Texas- But anyway, I started thinking, you know, every time I look at these fucking shoes, I think about that weekend I stayed in that fucking hotel. You know, I stayed once. I stayed at this really cool place in Shattuck, Oklahoma. And then I stayed at a shitty Days Inn in Wichita the next night. I started getting just this feeling of just negativity. Like, I said, I don’t want to think about it anymore. And then I started realizing, dude, you’re remembering everything about your 2024 season.
[00:07:30] That, every year previous from ’96 up to 2023, you would always look back on fondly. No matter what the result was, no matter if you busted or not, you loved the experience. But now, all you had in 2024 was the experience. You had the driving the miles. You had the overnight stays in hotels. You had the chasing. All of that, you look at, you look back on now in a dim light, in a negative light. Why is that? Oh, I know why, because it fucking sucked. And I realized, I just don’t care like I used to. I used to say I’m the most passionate chaser in the world, and when I said it, I meant it and I knew it and it was true. But now I think back to April 26th. I was in southeast Nebraska hours before the Iowa tornadoes could have easily made those. But I didn’t want to go any further north and east because I was worried about Saturday. And I sat there on this stupid back road intersection in the middle of fuckhole, fuckholeville, Nebraska going, well, here you are again, Shane. Despite all your planning and all your experience and everything, you’re right back where you always are. You have to make a decision and no matter what decision you make it’s going to be the wrong one. You can keep going further and further away from your big target on Saturday, which you are on the fringes of making now and bust in Iowa, or you can turn your back and head back to, you know, head back to Southern Kansas position, stay the night in Wichita, get some beer position yourself for Southwest Oklahoma on Saturday and watch all the big tornadoes that you missed in Iowa.
[00:09:04] Shane: And I chose to and it exactly happened like I thought it would. I didn’t word that correctly, but you know what I mean. And then I just started thinking, it doesn’t, that’s what chasing has become. Chasing for me used to be I sit in front of a computer, I look at data, I analyze it, I understand it, and I make a fucking decision and I go there and it either happens or it doesn’t. But it happened often enough to where I enjoyed that process. But chasing for me over the last several years has become… you just get to a point in the day where you have to make a decision and you know early. There aren’t even storms yet, but it always happens. You have to make a decision right now And you’re unsure which one is the correct decision, but you know, it’s going to make or break your day. That’s what chasing has become for me and I thought you know, I don’t know if it’s because I don’t think I’ve lost my ability. I don’t think I’ve lost my skills. I think what I’ve lost is my give a damn. I just don’t care anymore. I don’t care enough to put the work in. And I think that’s the biggest reason I blamed my life and responsibility and all this other stuff taking my focus away. And to a point that’s true. The last ten years, I think the reason I suddenly just sucked all the time is because I just didn’t care anymore. I should have stopped chasing ten years ago. But I didn’t. Because I dedicated my life to it for fifteen years at that point and that’s all I knew. I’m in my late thirties about, I’m staring forty in the face. And all I do is get up and go to work every day, because that’s my life, because I’ve shucked everything off to the side to be able to be this chasing dude for the last 15 years.
[00:10:32] I don’t know what else to do, so I’m just gonna keep on going, I guess. That was my attitude for the last decade, and you see what it got me. Nothing. Garbage. Just absolute shit. I took a Hall of Fame career that was on a trajectory to be Hall of Fame worthy and destroyed it. Because I just didn’t care anymore. Life around me got to be more complicated, more responsibility. I had to, I had to shut things off more. And it was harder to put life away and focus on chasing, even on chase days, because I had so much more responsibility than I ever did for the first 15 years. And I just got to the point where I would rather just, I just don’t want to deal with it. That’s, that’s too much mental strain. So I just went through the motions. And I realized this summer, that’s what I’ve been doing. I’m like, I don’t even want to do this anymore. I mean, I’m looking right now, well I can’t because there’s a wall between us, but I’m looking toward the bedroom where my life is. My life to two weeks ago, or whatever, whatever, to a month ago. 28 years of my life in these fuckin locked away in these fireboxes, which are tapes upon tapes upon tapes of Masters of Tornado Videos. In big, heavy, bulky fuckin fireboxes that have been dragging around from apartment to apartment for years.
[00:11:45] Shane: I don’t even want to, I don’t even want to deal with them anymore. I just, I really… just, they’re gonna sit there in that corner collecting dust like they have since I’ve lived here. And there’s a very high chance that when I move, whenever I move, I’ll just throw them out because I don’t care anymore. There’s copies upon copies of all that shit on the internet. People have bought them. It’s everywhere, it’s digital, it’s out there. Doesn’t really matter. I don’t need Masters for anything. I’m not doing anything else with chasing. I don’t need them. Now, the YouTube channel will stay up because I spent way too much fuckin time and effort building that to just fuckin wipe it. So, that’ll stay up, but it’s never gonna be added to. So, if you get bored and love boring chase videos, go watch my videos, cause there’s hours of fuckin boring chase videos on my YouTube channel. I’m not gonna delete them, like I said, that’s just too much fuckin work to go click. So, fuck it, they’ll stay forever, whatever, I don’t care. Why do I think I’ve lost the ability, uh, the passion? It’s easy. Imagine that you are a hiker or just an outdoor naturey person. You don’t, a lot of you don’t have to imagine, a lot of you are. Imagine that you grow up in an area of the country where you’ve got, you know, it’s foresty, it’s mountainous, whatever, and you grow up hiking these trails and these areas and y’all, it’s like a whole region of land that you explore and it’s yours. And you know everybody and you know, you know, the like the back of your hand, you know, every trail, you know, all this stuff and you love it. And then someone takes you and drops you off in a different part of the world where you’re not familiar with any of it. It’s not the same terrain you’re used to.
[00:13:08] You don’t know the trails and there are a hundred times more people around you than you ever had before. And you don’t know 90 percent of them. Now you didn’t necessarily stop loving hiking, but you stopped loving the experience overall of hiking because it’s not just walking up trails. It’s being in nature. It’s knowing the land, it’s familiarity. It’s comfort, it’s solitude, it’s sanctuary, but you’ve got all these strangers around you, crowding you in a place that you’re not used to, on trails you don’t know. Yeah, you’re still hiking, but you’re not enjoying it because the experience is different. That’s what chasing became for me. I used to know 90 percent of active chasers because we were all a very small group of people who had a very specialized set of skills and who were experiencing and accomplishing things few people on earth ever will. And it took a special type of person who was dedicated enough and would be willing to fail enough years to learn the craft to be good at it. That was a secret, not a secret, that was a specialized club. That was like VIP out the ass type shit. You ain’t getting past this velvet rope, motherfucker. This is for VIPs only. That’s what chasing was. Back when everyone that was involved in it had the skills because skills were required to succeed. But over time, it’s become just another leisure hobby that anyone who’s got the time and disposable income can be a part of and not only become a part of, they can be instantly amazing.
[00:14:37] Shane: I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen being called a GOAT on Twitter, and I’m like you weren’t chasing five fucking years ago. How are you a GOAT now? Oh, that’s right because you can be.
[00:14:46] Soundbite: You son’bitch!
[00:14:48] Shane: Because when people say GOAT they don’t think about what it takes to get the prize. They just think about what they see being displayed in the trophy case, and because you can go out and get as many trophies as you want without having to put the work in, anyone can be a GOAT. Which comes back to my other bitch, about when “special” is everything, when “epic” is everything, when “amazing” is everything, when every fucking day of your life is a Game 7 moment, when every moment of your existence all you do is win, doesn’t winning stop being special? Doesn’t being the GOAT stop having any meaning? Because when it’s every day all the time, It’s watered down. What people don’t understand because they’re so busy chasing greatness and fame and glory is that to be famous, to have the fame and glory, it has to be rare. You have to be swimming in rarefied water. It has to be something that doesn’t happen every fucking day. And back in the day when I was chasing, that’s what we had. It was rarefied air because it was rare to see a tornado. But we consistently saw them enough. The ratios weren’t great at all compared to today. But, you know, on the average, I would see a tornado once in every four and a half, five chases. And that was pretty much the average across the board. And that was fucking amazing. 25 percent you say, God damn, I started chasing in 2023 and I see tornadoes on 97 percent of my chases. Of course you do. Everybody that gives a damn and puts the effort in can because all you got to do is go. I mean, just go. Because I still chase the same way I chased 30 years ago. Why would I keep beating my head against the wall and failing and the world just sees my results? The world doesn’t see the work that I put in. The world doesn’t see the experience that I apply. The world doesn’t see all the shit that I do to try and get this outcome that I want. All they see is the fact that I fail. So why would I continue to torture myself, going through the process, failing, and all the world sees is that you’re an old has been.
[00:16:58] Soundbite: When I had my ulcers, I was
[00:17:01] Shane: You know, that gets tiring. That gets boring. But none of that is why. That’s what made me realize, I’m just not into this anymore. But the decision, it’s not really a decision, it’s just going forward. I’m just not going to pursue storms anymore. It’s not like I’m calling a press conference, I’m no longer chasing, who gives a shit? I’m just not going to spend my time doing that anymore. But I’m also not going to sit here and run people down who do, because, trust me, six months ago, for the last 28 years until then, I was right there with you. But now I’ve decided that I want to go back to being the person that I was before I discovered chasing. And the weird thing is, is my life has basically been revolved around two things that I’ve loved: music, which came way before chasing ever did, and storms. And the funny thing for me now, at this point in my life, socially, is everybody that knew me when I was a kid, high school, my early twenties, That knew me as Shane the Music Guy. They all kind of went their own ways and we all kind of lost contact before I started chasing. Then I started chasing at 24 years old and then for the last 28 years have built this huge social network based on we all chase storms. None of you people know anything about my music history. And so now I’m in the very odd situation of being connected to the world, like we all are on social media, and I’ve got hundreds of followers who don’t give a fuck about me anymore because I’m into something that they’re not familiar with. They don’t associate to me. And most of them probably aren’t into anyway, which is acoustic music written and played and performed on real instruments by real people.
[00:18:40] Hey everyone, Kay here from Rough Skies Ahead and Chaser Chat. I wanted to give a quick shout out to the new Chaser Chat YouTube page, where you can find all your favorite episodes uploaded in video form with a transcription to follow along with. The link is in the podcast description.
[00:18:57] Gabriel: You’re probably wearing clothes right now, and I know you like listening to podcasts. Why not combine the two and support the show? Head over to chaserchat. com or click the link in the podcast description, and you’ll find all sorts of items like t shirts, hoodies, beanies, ball caps, coffee mugs, and more.
[00:19:15] And if none of that sounds good, at least buy a freaking sticker. It’s only three bucks. Visit the merch store today and support the podcast by going to or clicking the link in the podcast description.
[00:19:28] Soundbite: How about some make believe about musical instruments? And hoes?
[00:19:33] Shane: The people that know me for that, I haven’t been in contact with for decades. And when I do run into one now and then, they’re going to be like, Holy shit dude, you’re playing music again. Because once I started doing the storm thing, they were like, Uh, cool, but whatever. So, as you can see, it’s really odd because I have a whole bunch of people who would be totally into me that I don’t have contact with anymore. And I’m connected to hundreds of people all the time every day who don’t give a fuck about what I’m doing now. It’s really kind of humorous. But back to the chasing thing, the list of reasons why I’m out of it. I mean my god, just, you know, It’s not, it’s just not special anymore. It really isn’t. It’s not special anymore. I used to, I’ve said on podcast, hell, I said on Gabe’s podcast when he interviewed me a couple years ago. Kids walk up to the plate today and they point to the wall and they call their shot, home run every time. That’s fucking boring. I’ve said for years, I said this decades ago. I said, man, if I saw tornadoes every time I went out, all year, every year, I would eventually quit because I’d get bored with it. Chasing is appealing because the odds are stacked again- well, they used to be, not anymore. But the odds were stacked against you back in the day and that’s what made it appealing.
[00:20:48] That’s what made it great and made it awesome. But now, now everyone’s so addicted to, people are addicted to being seen and admired without putting any work or any tenured ability, you know, no one wants to put any year years any I get so frustrated when I talk about this. I can’t even speak Nobody cares about saying yeah, man. I busted my dick for 10 years to get here. I earned my stripes No one even knows the concept of what that means now. All they think of is I want to be that. I want to be admired. I want people to follow me I want to be seen and I want to be adored and I want to be famous and I want to be successful. They don’t care that you can snap hit a switch and be that instantly. They just want to be that. There’s no pride in looking back upon the path that you took, that you had to fucking fight and earn and claw to get there. No one cares about that anymore. All they care about, this is a results driven business, this is a results driven world. No one gives a shit about loyalty, no one gives a shit about tenure, no one gives a shit about seniority, no one gives a shit about hard work.
[00:21:49] Shane: You know what they look at you when you’re used to hard work was admired and appreciated. Now, people go, Ha, you’re dumb. Work smarter, not harder. When someone says that to me, I literally want to punch them in the fucking throat. It’s like, you don’t know what hard work is, so don’t tell me work smarter, not harder. What you’re saying is, just do what I do, because I’ve never had to work hard in my life. That’s exactly what the fuck you mean, you dumb little fucking shit. You couldn’t find your way around a vagina with a goddamn schematic.
[00:22:14] Soundbite: Can you find the cat?
[00:22:17] But anyway, that’s a whole other topic. But yeah, so, um, I’m out of it, and I gotta tell ya, I, I, I see, I’m looking at my Twitter feed this morning and I see someone posting a fucking, a slight outlook in, in, in the exact spot you’d think it would be in this time of year. Just slightly east of where it should be, to where it’s in shitty terrain. Not quite Arklo-Tex, but not quite centered over Oklahoma and Texas. Just that garbage spot where they always happen. Most of your tornadoes will be found post survey and happen at night. That kind of shit. But you have people posting that going, we’re so back. And that’s exactly a microcosm of why I hate the chasing community now. You’re all a bunch of reactionary little bastards. None of you have any skills. None of you need any skills. And none of you, you can’t have a forecast discussion anymore. I got so sick of Discord because you couldn’t have a forecast discussion because everyone just pastes and copies graphics of Hey, look at this sounding.
[00:23:14] Shane: Look at this bullshit. With no context. Nothing from them, just, The sounding with OOF underneath it or some stupid shit like that. Something you would expect from a 22 year old chaser who’s never had to earn their fucking stripes but has all the food on their plate they want. That’s exactly the shit you would expect from the reactionary chaser which is what this whole generation is: reactionary chasers. We’re gonna react to a GFS run at 300 hours. We’re gonna react to a NAM run where the, where the the trending upward forecast dips down one run. Oh, no, it’s over now. We’re gonna react to a radar blip. We’re gonna ignore our target and run 50 miles out of the way because we saw a green blip on the radar. You people don’t fucking you don’t understand what you’re looking at in the data. You don’t make a forecast. You don’t pick a spot and go there. You just float around in a region based on the centric proportion of a SPC outlook and you react. You react to data. You react to every outlook. You react to everything. You don’t, you’re not proactive. You don’t get ahead of anything because you don’t know how to be ahead of anything.
[00:24:14] And that’s boring. And that’s a big part of the reason why I can’t stand all this shit. We didn’t post outlooks oof. We didn’t post outlets and go, Oh, we’re back! Cause we already knew. You know what? Eventually there’s gonna be a trough. And when it gets here, we don’t have to act like we’ve never seen one before. Hey, guess what? Let’s talk about this fuckin setup tomorrow. It’s the night before chase and we’d have a chat room full of chasers talking about, hey man, I’m a little concerned about that variant at 850 might bring some dry air in. And then someone else would be like, alright, we’re gonna be good. We’re gonna be good because there’s moisture in place already and we got, we got, you know, the 500 millibar winds are west northwesterly, so the shear’s still there. You know, shit like that that you never hear people talk about anymore because they don’t know to talk about it. All they know is check out this sounding. Check it out, bro. And whatever, oomph, whatever buzzword they can put with it to get the Twitter algorithm to fuckin ring their shit up. And The mystery’s gone.
[00:25:11] Shane: The excitement’s gone. The wonderment, it’s all gone. I mean, Chasers today, I mean, look at social media, all they’re doing, We’re gonna go see tornadoes in Iowa today. We’re chasing the tornado outbreak in this state. There’s not about hope we see something, wish us luck. Oh, it’s gonna be amazing. We don’t know what’s gonna happen. Everyone already knows what’s gonna happen. It’s already predetermined and it’s fucking boring. I don’t want to get in a car with three other people and know I’m gonna see tornadoes here because it’s, what are you gonna do until the tornadoes happen? It’s boring. It’s like going, hey man, you won a million dollars, but you got to drive to Tahiti to get it. That’s gonna be the most boring drive ever because all you want’s the money. You know you’re getting it, so there’s no reason to make the drive when you didn’t know what the reward was gonna be, the drive was part of the fuckin thrill. Maybe at the end of this fuckin rainbow, there’s gonna be a pot of gold.
[00:25:54] We don’t know, but we know it’s possible. And that made the drive appealing because you were going for something. You weren’t guaranteed anything, but there was a chance. And the chance made it exciting and made it fuckin worth it. Now, it’s boring shit. Everyday. Hey, here’s a tornado. Here’s the, here’s the greatest, here’s the greatest picture ever. This is the most amazing sprite ever. Look at this, my dream shot. Hey, I just scratched off another bucket list item today. That’s all I see on my social media feed. Everybody just, just, it’s like you’re writing sentences, but instead of writing sentences, you’re just scratching off bucket list items because it’s all being handed to you. Because every, every day’s Game 7. Every day’s epic. Every day’s the greatest day in the world. Everybody sees the most amazing shit ever. And you’re all in your 20s. The fuck are you guys gonna do when you turn 30 and you’ve done it all? You got your whole life ahead of you and you’ve already experienced everything that took people like me a lifetime to try and get and we’re still not there.
[00:26:46] You’re gonna get so fucking bored you’re gonna go insane. And that’s why I’m out. I don’t care. No longer appeals to me. I don’t give a shit. To the rest of you that are into it, that are lifers, Godspeed, man. I would say be careful, but that’s kind of pointless because you’re gonna be in the hook. You all always, or you’re all always in the fucking hook. But yeah, I was supposed to try and make these shorter. They were supposed to be 10 minute diatribes, but I guess we’ll call this a special episode with old Uncle Shane. But anyway, Thank you guys for listening to me, uh, I’m gonna be Uncle Shane for now on, because why not? I’m the crazy old fuckin uncle that offers advice nobody asked for and, uh, says embarrassing shit. So anyway, until the next episode, which I don’t know when that’s gonna be, Uh, I can tell you that it won’t be this year, it’ll be next year, so the next time you hang out with little Uncle Shane on DCS it will be 2025, so. Between now and then, keep yourselves alive, have a great time, live, laugh, love, and I will see you on the next one.
[00:27:43] Soundbite: Arrivederci, bitches.
[00:27:44] Gabriel: Thanks for listening. If you’re not already subscribed, hit that button right now and then make sure notifications are turned on so you never miss an episode again. There are lots of ways to show your support for Chaser Chat. You can pick up something from the merch store, leave a rating and a review on your favorite podcast app, leave a comment and a like on YouTube, or just share the link to this episode on your preferred social media platform.
[00:28:05] Thanks again for listening, and I’ll catch you on the next episode.
Beardbot 2.0
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