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[00:00:00] Gabriel: Hey everyone, Gabriel here. You’ve probably noticed that Chaser Chat took a bit of a hiatus over the last six months or so, and I am beyond excited to be back. It won’t just be my voice hosting shows now though. I’ve added an entire team of podcasters to the Chaser Chat roster, combined with an incredible support staff who will be helping out with editing, managing social media, graphic design, merch, and more.
[00:00:24] We’ll be releasing three episodes per week from here on out. I’m placing a bet on Chaser Chat, and I’m putting my money where my mouth is. That’s where you, the listener, come in. At the end of this episode, I’ll run through all of the ways that you can support Chaser Chat, so please consider helping out if you enjoy the show.
[00:00:41] Alright, that’s enough of that. Let’s get into the episode.
[00:00:47] Rebecca: Hello everyone, welcome back to the Chaser Chat Podcast. I am Rebecca Wejman. I’ve been on here a couple times and I, for some reason, got offered a show. A show that does not have a name yet. So if you guys think of anything, let me know. But for my first episode, I really had to think about who I was going to bring on. And, I had to make it memorable. And I started thinking about my audience. And I know that my mom will probably listen. I know my grandma will probably listen. Some family friends. People that don’t know anything about weather. And I I was thinking who is very entertaining to me? Since moving down to Oklahoma. And who has some tornadic experience. Just a little bit. And I thought of my best friend, Anna! Woo! Welcome, Anna!
[00:01:40] Anna: Yay!
[00:01:40] Rebecca: Let’s do the intro! *sound effects*! Storm chasing! Yeah! All right. That’s our intro. Yeah, Anna’s here. Would you like to say anything?
[00:01:48] Anna: Hi, guys. I’m really sleepy today.
[00:01:51] Rebecca: She is very sleepy.
[00:01:52] Anna: My eyes are watering.
[00:01:54] Rebeecca: It is 10 p. m. And we are together, so I’m trying this out. I’m also going to be recording and filming the podcast and just uploading parts of it on my TikTok as clips nothing crazy. But yeah, so if we for audio listeners say things and you don’t understand what we’re talking about I’m sorry. For example two things one of the main things first things we’re going to do right now. We have tornado themed beverages here
[00:02:26] Anna: That’s right.
[00:02:26] Rebecca: One them is an adult beverage and one of them is a Regular family friendly beverage. Would you like to read them out for us?
[00:02:35] Anna: Yeah, so we got the adult beverage first. It’s the F5 IPA. It’s an India Pale ale. I don’t know what that is. Anyways, it’s a beer.
[00:02:45] Rebecca: And it has F5 Tornado on it and I was telling Anna earlier when we first got this that F5 is no longer the Tornado damage scale. So I wonder if maybe-
[00:02:58] Anna: Is it F8 now?
[00:02:59] Rebecca: No, it’s EF. So it’s an Enhanced Fujita Scale. Wait, when was this made? I’m curious.
[00:03:07] Anna: I say 2002. All righty moving on to next beverage and our final beverage. We have the Oklahoma Mr. Twister Cherry Vanilla soda. It’s made in Oklahoma with pure cane sugar.
[00:03:22] Rebecca: Oklahoma represents. Yeah. We are true Oklahoma baddies.
[00:03:26] Anna: So true.
[00:03:27] Rebeca: We definitely weren’t born in other states. And that’s very part of the reason why I thought it would be best to bring Anna on. Because actually, she’s not from Oklahoma. I don’t know if you could pick up on the accent. Where are you from?
[00:03:41] Anna: For the majority-
[00:03:42] Rebecca: Majority of my life.. Let’s go with that.
[00:03:45] Anna: I’ve lived here in Oklahoma. Just, moved around different towns. Mainly Norman and OKC. But I’m actually originally from upstate, specifically western New York, the Buffalo, Dunkirk, Fredonia area. Shout out to the Buffalo Bills and my, I love that man, and Keon Coleman. He seems like a really cool young rookie. He’s number zero. Josh Allen’s your football NFL career story is really interesting anyone who’s-
[00:04:18] Rebecca: Please explain.
[00:04:19] Anna: Basically Josh emailed over 50 schools like his senior year and everything like he wanted so bad just to have a chance. And everyone was like no, sorry, man. He had a great career in Wyoming as well like amazing.
[00:04:35] Rebecca: Emailing schools or the NFL teams?
[00:04:38] Anna: All of the abve. Mostly the nfl teams and he was, you know, reaching out to everybody You know, just give me a chance and the Bills got back to them.
[00:04:49] Rebecca: You know what we have to watch? We have to watch Twister. And Twisters. Honestly, unpopular opinion is going to get me hate. The first Twister It’s not that good. It’s not that good. I I don’t think I could, I didn’t grow up on it and I know a lot of people did. They just loved the movie and that’s what got them into weather. But after watching I watched it for the first time last year while storm chasing on a trip and then I saw the New Twisters movie and after the New Twisters movie I’m like, that was, because I was like, the New Twisters movie, I’m like, that was amazing. I thought it was a great movie and I just was very confused as to why we all thought Twister was I guess it’s okay. The actors and actresses have worked good. I need a you know what? Hang on. There’s this one clip of her Okay. Of her dad flying out of the storm shelter. That’s her trauma story origin.
[00:05:43] Anna: Sure.
[00:05:45] Rebecca: Everyone has origin. It’s funny. The editing.
[00:05:48] Anna: Really? Is this the original?
[00:05:50] Rebecca: Oh yeah.
[00:05:51] Anna: So in case we didn’t mention this, I have not seen either of the movies. I knew that they both existed. I heard, I knew about the older one, and I knew the new one had just come out. I heard about the Glenn edits and everything, but.
[00:06:04] Rebecca: Yeah, the Glenn Powell edits. I found the Twister opening.
[00:06:08] Anna: Is this the-
[00:06:09] Rebecca: That’s the dad.
[00:06:10] Ana: Is that her?
[00:06:12] Rebecca: Watch him. Okay, this is a long clip.
[00:06:14] Ana: Is this from the original?
[00:06:15] Rebecca: Yeah. So he’s trying to keep the cellar door shut. This is the opening scene, okay? Like I just This is look at him fly out!
[00:06:24] Ana: You know what it reminds me of?
[00:06:25] Rebecca: If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go look up the opening scene of Twister, everybody.
[00:06:30] Anna: The way he like goes and gets small in the corner reminds me of Harry Potter. And their like editing in the very first like three movies. By the way, I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd, so that’s no hate to them.
[00:06:43] Rebecca: Hurricane Debbie is now a category one. Sorry.
[00:06:46] Anna: Oh really?
[00:06:46] Rebecca: We were talking a little bit about Debbie earlier. And the different, our different hurricanes. And you had a hurricane. ’61, Hurricane Anna.
[00:06:56] Anna: Yes.
[00:06:56] Rebecca: ’57 whatever but she just became a category one.
[00:07:00] Anna: Good for Debbie. All the Debbie’s out there good for you.
[00:07:02] Rebecca: This hurricane right now it is she’s boobs Debbie’s boobs.
[00:07:08] Anna: Debbie your ass is on the satellite
[00:07:12] Rebecca: Satellite imagery of Hurricane Debbie looks a little peachy.
[00:07:16] Anna: All the Debbie’s out there, you are caked up for real.
[00:07:19] Rebecca: Oh my god this is what- Okay, so this is a Storm Chaser. We are gonna play Smash or Pass with Storm Chasing.
[00:07:24] Anna: Okay, swag.
[00:07:25] Rebecca: This guy, Edgar O’Neil, he works with Reed Timmer, but he said-
[00:07:29] Anna: Pass.
[00:07:30] Rebecca: Yeah. But he said honestly, those outfits are crazy. I saw slash met him at the Storm Chasing Summit that I went to back in February. But he said, have I been in a hurricane house with two men who’ve honored the bills of dot.
[00:07:43] Anna: Smart man. No, I think he’s a, he’d be cool to be friends, but would I smash? No, so pass. It even has nipples. I’m so sorry.
[00:07:53] Rebecca: Oh the, Hurricane Debbie. No, we’re looking at the satellite imagery currently of Hurricane Debbie.
[00:07:58] Anna: Please know I wasn’t just talking about someone. I was actually looking at the hurricane.
[00:08:03] Rebecca: And, yeah, for whatever reason the infrared satellite imagery right now. The temperature is just a little weird looking. Okay, we both said that Reed Timmer is a smash.
[00:08:13] Anna: Yeah, I say he’s a-
[00:08:14] Rebecca: He just has to be.
[00:08:15] Anna: Did you know that Michael Phelps is actually attractive?
[00:08:18] Rebecca: Yeah, we-
[00:08:19] Anna: Were we talking about that yesterday?
[00:08:21] Rebecca: And I was like, wait, you’re right.
[00:08:23] Anna: Also-
[00:08:24] Rebecca: Rick Smith. I love Rick.
[00:08:25] Anna: Wait, can I see him again?
[00:08:27] Rebecca: He is a meteorologist at the National Weather Center in Norman. Close distance.
[00:08:32] Anna: Is there more photos? I feel like I’m on the line on this one . Oh, pass. I feel like if he was like 6’5 that man would be hot.
[00:08:40] Rebecca: What about Mike Morgan? Who is-
[00:08:44] Anna: Mike Morgan?
[00:08:44] Rebecca: Right next to- that’s a smash.
[00:08:46] Anna: Oh, that’s a smash. That man has the most 60’s, I’m on a radio talk show, and I’m coming to you live, smile. That man is so fine.
[00:08:57] Rebecca: What about Ginger Z?
[00:08:58] Anna: Maybe two drinks in, I’d smash.
[00:09:03] Rebecca: She’s honestly-
[00:09:04] Anna: Okay, smash. She’s such a lesbian, smash. Wow, that outfit is great on her. Is she not? She’s got really nice calves.
[00:09:13] Rebecca: I know. She’s beautiful, love Ginger.
[00:09:15] Anna: She I want to know her workout routine for her legs, please.
[00:09:18] Rebecca: I agree.
[00:09:19] Anna: People are gonna think I’m a whore.
[00:09:22] Rebecca: No. I don’t.
[00:09:23] Anna: I would.
[00:09:25] Rebecca: We have Matt Betts, which, I know where I have a picture of him.
[00:09:29] Anna: You have a picture of Matt Betts?
[00:09:31] Rebecca: Oh, I had it. He was the one that I had circled on the TV earlier.
[00:09:37] Anna: Oh, the one with the heart?
[00:09:38] Rebecca: Yes. And him, I met at the storm chasing convention that I mentioned earlier. But no, he was at the storm chasing convention. He was giving a little talk about how he has PTSD. Cause he’s the one that was thrown in the El Reno tornado.
[00:09:51] Anna: Oh yeah, 2013.
[00:09:53] Rebecca: Yeah, whatever. More catastrophe. Oh wait, the cardigan!
[00:09:57] Anna: Yeah, the cardigan photo really sold me.
[00:09:58] Rebecca: He’s got a cardigan photo.
[00:10:00] Rebecca: Smash.
[00:10:00] Rebecca: I don’t know how to say his name. Don’t worry, it’s like Bettes?.
[00:10:04] Anna: Betts, I think.
[00:10:05] Rebecca: I don’t know. But, no, he got flown, and he was talking about his storm chasing Ph Ph. D. I don’t he probably has one. P. S. D. Post Tra- P. T. S. D.
[00:10:16] Anna: Yes.
[00:10:17] Rebecca: Oh my goodness gracious.
[00:10:18] Anna: But it’s a good thing you mentioned that, because a lot of people only think that military, like veterans have PTSD. And my father was a huge activist of that, because my father was a Vietnam Vet. And he always wanted to make it clear that not all vets have PTSD, and anyone can have PTSD, and that we shouldn’t just specifically ignore everyone else who claims they do, just because they weren’t, just because they weren’t a veteran, yeah, just because they weren’t in war regular everyday citizens, and just regular, veterans who were not in an active war.
[00:10:55] Rebecca: After I got held at gunpoint one time, which, some Rebecca lore, I was held at gunpoint like four years ago. Just carjacked, but, I don’t know. Fight or flight mode, I was fight. But the first couple months afterwards, I had like little things with PTSD; Freezing up as somebody walked by my car late at night and just like automatically assuming the worst with things and that kind of sucked.
[00:11:17] Anna: Yeah, it it’s kind of hard.
[00:11:18] Rebecca: The Twisters movie I thought did a good job doing what you obviously did not see as we mentioned. But they she like the dad that I just showed you getting flown out. That’s her like with it, and she didn’t really talk about it, but in the new Twisters movie, she lost some friends. Due to the overpass underpass situation. And yeah, she they, like you could tell she had it, but she didn’t outright say that she had PTSD. I never went to therapy, which is okay. But one thing, good old Mike here, Mikey Mike, is that he, he talked about how he went to therapy for it.
[00:11:54] Anna: I feel like sometimes people don’t realize they have it though.
[00:11:58] Rebecca: That is true.
[00:11:58] Anna: So I won’t hold it against them, but also, I wish, I feel like other people realize more often faster than the person who actually has it. So that would have been a cool character development in that movie if the other actors like Glenn would have noticed or something.
[00:12:13] Rebecca: Oh, good old Glenn.
[00:12:14] Anna: That guy’s attractive ish. Oh wow. Look at his eyes.
[00:12:19] Rebecca: Oh, his head shot 20 years ago. No, Glenn Powell, he, shout out to Glenn because I think he is the reason why he made this movie so successful.
[00:12:29] Anna: Honestly, I think so too. Also, oh, thank you. I feel like Glenn and Sidney Sweed did cheat with each other, having an affair. I just want to put that out there, but also their chemistry on camera was really good, and I know.
[00:12:44] Rebecca: Wait until you see the Twisters movie. I think they both did great jobs. I think it was her role. But she was a little dry.
[00:12:51] Anna: Oh.
[00:12:52] Rebecca: She was like, in a good way. In a, just that was her character. She was, a researcher, a meteorologist, science, scientist.
[00:12:58] Anna: But have you seen the one with Sydney Sweenie?
[00:13:01] Rebecca: Yes, I watched that recently.
[00:13:02] Anna: You don’t feel like they had off camera kind
[00:13:06] Rebecca: I don’t know. I didn’t see any behind the scenes. Probably. They, but that’s the thing. Don’t you have, for the most part, have chemistry with all your co workers, some of your co workers? More than others?
[00:13:17] Anna: Yeah, that’s definitely true. And I guess-
[00:13:18] Rebecca: Even not in a romantic way. It’s just, you get along better.
[00:13:21] Anna: That’s another thing. They’re gonna cast people who have natural chemistry. You don’t want to have to force something.
[00:13:26] Rebecca: Exactly. That’s why they do like character readings. To make sure you’re a good fit.
[00:13:30] Anna: And that’s another reason why a lot of actors and actresses spend time together. Before the movie or before a big scene spending time together seeing how they would you know react towards certain stuff. So it becomes more natural on screen and for the audience. We have any more smash or pass?
[00:13:50] Rebecca: Off the top of my head we have Jim Cantore which I show- okay, here’s the thing with the hat?
[00:13:58] Anna: Okay, smash he’s got such nice pecs.
[00:14:01] Rebecca: With the hat? Yes.
[00:14:03] Anna: No, smash. Keep the hat on.
[00:14:06] Rebecca: He’s the one that we saw the first time that looked like that.
[00:14:09] Anna: That’s him? Wait go back.
[00:14:11] Rebecca: That’s what I’m saying-
[00:14:13] Anna: Go back Because that’s not him. No way. That’s not him. This is him when he’s younger than because he looks like he’s like going on 60 in the other photo and-
[00:14:24] Rebecca: He is.
[00:14:25] Ann: Yeah, probably. He looks good with a beard too.
[00:14:27] Rebecca: Whoa.
[00:14:28] Anna: Yeah, he looks fine. If I was like a 40 year old woman who was like teaching math. I would definitely that looks like it’s more of them.
[00:14:36] Rebecca: I know the perfect- James Spann.
[00:14:39] Anna: I feel like he would make me feel uncomfortable, so I’m gonna pass.
[00:14:43] Rebecca: Oh, man.
[00:14:44] Anna: He would like, tickle my toes or something. Earlier today, we were sitting and she was literally touching me with her toes. And I want you to know, this is not an uncommon thing for Anna to go through on a daily basis. And I know, that sounds weird. But my boyfriend and this lovely woman sitting next to me do this about 24 7. And you’re just, I’m just on my first chase with Rebecca and she’s just tickling me with her feet.
[00:15:10] Rebecca: After the first chase, we’re gonna, I’m gonna have to film again.. Driving wise if I take you, we are gonna have so much fun.
[00:15:17] Anna: Am I driving or are you driving?
[00:15:19] Rebecca: I would actually probably do it. I like being in control. But that’s the thing that I realized with weather because, okay, I made a TikTok recently, Rebecca Wejman, and it was about the Twisters movie and it popped off a little. It was like 3. 7, I’m probably at 3. 8 million views now.
[00:15:38] Anna: A million?
[00:15:39] Rebecca: Yeah, views. Likewise, I don’t know. It’s six hundred thousand. It’s not too much But-
[00:15:43] Anna: The last time I checked it had like 300k and it was like 1.Something-K. That’s crazy that actually popped.
[00:15:51] Rebecca: Yeah, it like started popping off a little bit and I get so many comments and people are like talk to us about storm chasing or like how do I get into it? Blah blah blah blah and you know what since we’re here I’m gonna respond because I feel like storm chasing it’s a misconception. There’s a lot of why can’t I think of the word?
[00:16:11] Anna: I don’t know what you’re trying to say, so I can’t-
[00:16:14] Rebecca: There’s a lot of false narratives surrounding storm chasing. Yes. False narratives. And, especially with the new Twisters movie. Okay, I’m not, this isn’t a spoiler or anything, this is just one thing.
[00:16:25] Anna: You’re good, you can spoil it.
[00:16:26] Rebecca: But Glenn, he’ll be driving in fields and stuff to try to get to the tornado, he’ll be like, It’s right there, let me go into this random person’s field, and I’m like… nobody does that in storm chasing, first. Second, what you’re gonna find, if I ever take you, is that sometimes there’s like bumper to bumper fucking traffic. There’s a lot of weather weenies out there.
[00:16:48] Anna: Yeah, it seems so. Also growing up here in the south for the majority of my life OKies don’t give two fucks.
[00:16:56] Hey everyone, Kay here from Rough Skies Ahead and Chaser Chat. I wanted to give a quick shout out to the new Chaser Chat YouTube page, where you can find all your favorite episodes uploaded in video form with a transcription to follow along with. The link is in the podcast description. All right, back to the episode.
[00:17:18] Rebecca: Yeah, and that’s what kind of Twister’s movie was saying.
[00:17:20] Anna: And half the times there’s been tornadoes whenever I’m… like, I live on my own. I have for the last three and a half years. Most of the time I’m doing else I’m out doing stuff. I’ve run from tornadoes in my car. Yeah, I remember one time there was this huge storm. It might have been like, I think I was a senior in high school. So I was still living at my mom’s house. My stepmom’s house. And I was on my way back from the gym. It was like 2 in the morning. The lightning was going crazy. And I realized the sirens were going off. And I was like, shit. I had just gotten out of the gym, like I said. It was 2 in the morning. 2 a. m and I had school the next day. So I should have been in bed by this time, but that’s all I did through senior year I went to school. I woke up early for band because I played the saxophone.
[00:18:08] Anna: What? I don’t even know that.
[00:18:09] Anna: Yeah, I played the saxophone. I was a little you know, geeky child. I actually wasn’t I was a really big druggie. It was really bad I barely showed up to class and then I slept or ate throughout all of school. I know right? I’m like a year and a half sober. Sober.
[00:18:25] Rebecca: Anyway, but you were waking up early for band.
[00:18:29] Anna: And then I would go to school and then I would go to work, and then I would go back home, change, go to the gym, get off. But that night, I was like, taking my good old time, so I didn’t get off at like my regular 11 or 12. I got off at 2 a. m. at a gym. I had a nice long, little gym appointment with myself. And then I’m driving, and I’m like, wow, this storm is crazy. And I used to record them sometimes while I was driving. I thought it was fun.
[00:18:57] Rebecca: Yeah, I think every person probably has.
[00:19:01] Anna: And then one second, I realize, oh, the sirens are going off. I’m like, damn, I really need to get home. I still had a 15 minute commute. And I look in my rear view mirror, and I notice, oh, shit. Why are we just hearing about this? I’m like, the fuck is that? And I can hear on the radio, because now I have the radio on. I’m not, I’m no longer listening to my, whatever, probably Suicide Boys or Mac Miller or something. I’m listening to What’s his face on? Channel nine.
[00:19:31] Rebecca: Okay, that’s my problem. I don’t know. Okay. I know that I know it’s like when he comes on, you know.
[00:19:36] Anna: All you OKies, I know you know who I’m talking about the really cool weather man channel nine. I hear him start talking. He’s there’s this pin down at this bar. He doesn’t have a southern accent, and he’s telling me and I’m just like, wow, that’s really close to me and I look over to my left and I’m like, wow, that’s really close to me. I started speeding. There was so much traffic, bro. They were doing construction over by my mom’s house at this time. So I was basically fucked.
[00:20:03] Rebecca: When was this? Where?
[00:20:06] Anna: This was in… 2022. And it was because I graduated high school in 2022. It might have actually been 2021 because I think it was before, I think it was like the October November area. We were getting storms late. This was the year that we got that huge ice storm as well. And we got fucked even worse. So we had tornado after tornado and then we got a huge ice storm before all the leaves dropped and it caused more damage in Norman than we’ve seen in a long time. The roads, that’s the main reason schools close down here instead of like snow. We get like tons of ice. They always say Oklahoma’s bipolar. One thing you will know, you’ll get ice any time of the year basically.
[00:20:48] Rebecca: We had the ice, like a somewhat ice storm this year.
[00:20:52] Anna: Yeah, we did this winter, last winter, just in February.
[00:20:54] Rebecca: That was my first, that was like my first ice storm.
[00:20:57] Anna: How did you feel about driving on the ice?
[00:21:00] Rebecca: I didn’t feel too bad. It was actually fun.
[00:21:01] Anna: Feel like a lot of people freak out and-
[00:21:03] Rebecca: Yeah, they do freak out.
[00:21:04] Anna: Or even whenever rains. Why? What’s up with you guys driving and your driving skills? Because like, why are you either speeding or not driving? Please tell me where you think hydroplaning versus… is gonna come in handy. ‘Cause just drive normal, just be more cautious.
[00:21:20] Rebecca: Just drive normal and take your foot, like, whenever you see a body of water, I always speed up a little and then take my foot off the gas. And off all pedals and just wait till I go through and then start.
[00:21:32] Anna: Yeah, but even that just be cautious.
[00:21:34] Rebecca: Never hit the brakes.
[00:21:35] Anna: There’s no reason to freak out.
[00:21:37] Rebecca: A lot of storm chasers are pretty decent drivers, but we’re very competitive. So we all want to be in front of each other.
[00:21:43] Anna: That’s not my big issue I think like the majority or they’re just dumb not storm chasers like just civilians. Normal, driving civilians.
[00:21:52] Rebecca: Maybe this is an anxiety thing. Because I have a lot of friends and know a lot of people that like even just a regular thunderstorm comes through which granted I guess they may not know that, But they get so much anxiety. "There’s a tornado" , and like they like really no, it freaks out.
[00:22:07] Anna: I don’t know. I’m a hater of just drivers in general in this southern region. So I hate like Texans. I also hate Jerseys Is it New Jerseyans? That sounds about right. As a Yankee not exactly raised in that area, but raised by Yankees. Born up north, raised down in the south, but still in a Yankee household. Y’all fucking suck at driving. Like literally, what the fuck are you doing on the road? New Jersians, please, whatever, however you guys, what you call yourself; people from the area of New Jersey, the state of New Jersey, please get off your high ass. Yeah, because, what’s going through your brain when you’re going down the road? Huh? You guys are such pissy fits. And Texans? Oh my god, they’re just rage. They’ll just, they won’t let you in. They won’t let you out. They won’t let you in. They’ll crash into you, act like it’s nothing. No big deal like what are you doing? Huh?
[00:23:13] Rebecca: It’s funny because in Illinois, I was such an aggressive driver like that. I was an asshole. I wouldn’t I’d be like why you want my ass? I’m, not gonna move over screw you like blah blah and then coming down to Oklahoma I have turned into such a patient nice driver. Like I’ll be like, oh you want to come in buddy? Here you go. I never go on the left lane. I don’t like, ride in the left lane anymore.
[00:23:36] Anna: That’s good. That’s good. That’s a thing a lot of people don’t understand. The amount of people I know who didn’t realize until I like, was like, why are you, I was like, how come you’re in the left lane? For so long? Like, why don’t you, I was like, are you like, trying to pass someone? And they’re like, this is just the fast lane. This is just where I’m driving. I’m like, it’s It’s a passing lane. Yes, it’s the fast lane, but that’s because it’s a passing lane.
[00:23:57] Rebecca: Okay, in Illinois, there’s a lot of cars, so I guess you have to utilize lanes, but the thing with Illinois drivers is that they’ll be driving in the left lane going, let’s say the speed limit’s 65. They’ll be going 65 in the left lane, and a car, a whole line of cars can be behind them, and they will still not move over.
[00:24:20] Anna: They won’t go any faster?
[00:24:21] Rebecca: They won’t go faster, they won’t move over. And I’m like, move over and then move back in once everybody passes. But for me, sometimes I’ll ride in the left lane, but that’s if nobody’s behind me. As soon as somebody starts approaching from behind, I move over.
[00:24:37] Anna: I won’t lie, on the highway to get to work, I tend to stay in the left lane because OKies suck at driving. And a lot of times, if you’re wanting to merge, and you’re about to go on like a ramp or you know take any type of turn. They’re not letting you in. And they’re like they’ll speed up to not let you in. And it irks me so instead I just you know, yeah, I don’t know. Anyways what else were we gonna talk about besides driving? There was something else.
[00:25:07] Rebecca: I do not remember. I know I was gonna read you the SPC thing the one time, and then we actually started reading it, and then we got bored.
[00:25:15] Anna: No, it’s so boring today.
[00:25:17] Rebecca: They issued a mesoscale discussion, which is like for an area that is just getting storms. And it’s making me so bored. It’s an area that they circle off that is having storms. And they just focus on a discussion in the environment for that area. So with Hurricane Debbie, Debsters, there’s a tornado risk. Continues across portions of northern and central Florida. May extend into far south. See, it’s boring. It’s boring. The font’s boring. That’s what you pointed out. Yeah. You’re like, I hate the font. And I know they’re doing their best. And this is great for weather weenies. But I want a, I want a great weather weenie. fun graphic. You know I want some more design with this mesoscale.
[00:25:58] Anna: If you type it out, I’ll make us a website. Very girly pop. Also just to put it back out in there, we still need a podcast name.
[00:26:07] Rebecca: But I do think it’s something we have to talk about. Because a lot of people think Culver’s is better than bronze.
[00:26:14] Anna: It’s your home dog who doesn’t like, he doesn’t like the pasta place. What is it?
[00:26:19] Rebecca: Reed Timmer said fuck Olive Garden.
[00:26:22] Anna: Honestly, I agree with Reed Timmer. Fuck Olive Garden, fuck Victoria’s down Main Street in Norman. Fuck all y’all people who keep telling me that this pasta is good and then I go and taste it and it tastes like fucking shit. Oh, the titties. I’m sorry.
[00:26:35] Rebecca: Debbie’s rack. Maybe that’s what it’s called. I don’t know. I’ll think of something. I’m getting a little tired. I don’t know about you, but thanks for my lock screen just popped up. That’s a picture of my boyfriend photoshopped onto Albert Einstein.
[00:26:46] Anna: Yeah, I noticed.
[00:26:47] Rebecca: Yeah, he’s yeah. Thanks for coming on. I know for this first podcast it wasn’t very weather related and that’s honestly what I wanted, because next podcast I think we’re gonna have on Sean Paul Padilla and David Osumov. It’s a Russian name, David. I’m sorry. I love you. Two of my close friends, but they’re big weather weenies. If you want to listen to terms like, elevated mixing layer, and 5, 000 joules of CAPE, and storm relative helicity, and hodographs, and skew t log p charts, if you want to listen to stuff about that. Then that’s your type of podcast. Of course there’ll be other things, but this one I just, I was like, I want us to all get to know each other. Just chill and hear from a common person about what they think about weather. And I think we’ve come to the conclusion that the common person doesn’t really care about weather.
[00:27:47] Anna: The last time I really cared about weather besides with Rebecca, was, I was going out with this guy for a summer and every single time there was any type of weather, He had five screens up of weather. This guy was at for aerospace engineering at OU. Yeah, I’m not gonna name names. He’s still a really cool guy. He’s in for aerospace engineering and I spent almost every night with that guy and he would just show me weather and like anytime there was a big storm, which there was a lot of big storms that year Yeah, man had five different things.
[00:28:24] Rebecca: All right you guys can find me at Rebecca underscore Wejman on Twitter or Rebecca Wejman on TikTok. Anna, you got anything to plug, or? I know you’re basically on private, not really a weather account, but-
[00:28:34] Anna: No, I’m not. I’m like private on everything, but you guys should get AirBuds, and yeah AirBuds is really cool, and I, this is not promoted, it should be, but it’s a really cool app And I will definitely stalk your music and you can stalk mine. But yeah, you guys should follow my instagram. It’s private, but I’ll add you It’s TheAnnaDalrymple. Thank you for having me, Rebecca.
[00:28:59] Rebecca: And hopefully next episode will be coming out soon. So yeah. Outro music. *outro music*
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Beardbot 2.0
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